Our quality assurance goal at Curtis Products is very simple- to deliver the highest quality fabricated tubes available on the market today. To achieve our goal, we combine technology, training and a variety of quality planning tools, including the Team Feasibility Commitment, Design Review, Mistake Proofing and other tools as required for a successful product launch submission.
Our quality assurance process is focused on prevention, and is the driving force behind our efforts to surpass customer expectations. Once a prototype part is approved for production, verification and qualification processes are initiated. Receiving, in-process and final inspections are used to document compliance to customer requirements. In the event a nonconforming condition is detected, extensive containment, analysis, corrective action and other problem solving techniques are implemented to determine the root cause and the permanent solution to the problem.
Over 60 years of manufacturing experience has taught us that the greatest source of knowledge of a process resides with the properly trained operator, closest to that process. As a result, we charge our team members with responsibility for the quality of our products, and empower them to make necessary quality improvement suggestions. This business/quality philosophy creates the proper environment for continuous improvement and is the strength of our system.